Ensure you're using the most recent version of Bonza National Geographic by downloading any updates from the App Store.
Low storage can cause issues with Bonza National Geographic, we recommend leaving at least 1gb free. To check, go into your device settings, tap on “General” and then navigate to “Usage”. Try deleting some unnecessary data (we suggest moving photos to your computer, or removing unused apps).
If you still don’t see your coins, send an email to tell us which coin pack you bought and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
In addition to the usual frequent crashes which I've learned to endure, I'm now getting very frequent non-responsive black screens after watching the video ads which promise free hints (revealing puzzleedges, etc.) Very frustrating. This has been most prevalent on the animal packs for Nat geo.
I was busy and missed yesterdays daily puzzle. Is there a way I can view/play yesterdays? Thx!
The daily puzzle on July 1, 2016 does not work correctly. The answer "sucrose" cannot be made in the puzzle. I spend coins to find this answer as I was stuck. But I couldn't make this answer.
Why I'm not seeing free Hint's
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